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Who are your best friends in class?

Who would you like to be paired with this time?

What has been your most significant worry lately?


I don't feel comfortable saying this to all of my classmates,

but I would like to talk to you about it.


In that case, use the "Comments off" option in [Tinkerbell > Discussion > Discussion > Thinkerboard]!


Posting comments is a feature that allows you to choose whether or not your comments are visible to participants.


How does it work?

When you create a question, you can select Comments.

◆ Create a question 

: When creating a question in [Discussion > Discussion > Thinking Board], select Post comments.



◆ Let's see how this works when solving problems.

  Read the question.



Students enter comments.

3 students have commented, but you can't see what they've said on the screen, right?



This is the results screen.

 You can see the names of the students who participated but not their opinions.



Results can only be viewed in the results report.

You can download the result report at the end of the discussion/debate, on the last screen, or by going to [Reports > Thinkerbell].



If you're a teacher looking to make your lessons more fun and exciting for your students

Could you try Thinkerbell?


Where to find it?

> Go to:

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